Accountable . Transparent . Active

Active ASBC is a team made up of accountable, transparent and active students. Voices from every Department and student will be heard and will hold us to account when it matters. Transparency is letting students know what’s going on, when, and why. That’s something we’re committed to. We pledge to be active in improving the academic experience, rejuvenating Arts spaces, and fighting for student rights.

We are Accountable, Transparent, and Active. We are Active ASBC.

Our Policies

The name Active ASBC reflects the spirit of our team. ASBC isn’t simply offices and positions. It exists to serve the entire Faculty of Arts constantly and effectively. We pledge to be active in improving the academic experience, rejuvenating Arts spaces and socials, and working with other Faculties to fight for student rights. We are Accountable, Transparent, and Active. We are Active ASBC.

View Our Policy Guide

President & Vice President

Madhur Sharma

I am thrilled to be running with Active ASBC to be your next President. I’m with a great team and have a lot of experience to bring to the table. I’m currently a Political Studies and Economics Major, and positions I’ve held include VP-Internal for U of M Economics Society, VP-External for U of M Undergraduate Political Studies Students’ Association, and lots of judicial and advocacy involvement on ASBC and UMSU Council. As your President, the four main things I intend to do are renovate the ASBC lounge, push to fix the GPA policy, bring together a Board of Directors, and bring together peer tutoring and co-op programs. Together we can Activate ASBC.

Madhur Sharma


Gabby O'Hara

I am a fourth year Political Studies student here in the Faculty of Arts, and I'm running to be your next Vice President! I have been active of campus for the past few years as a co-organizer for the J.W. Dafoe Political Studies Students Conference, as well as the incoming President of the Undergraduate Political Studies Students Association. I truly believe everyone has the capability to be involved on campus and together we can make a better ASBC. Active ASBC is going to put together a Board of Directors who are going to meet regularly and ensure that everyone’s involved, and their voices are heard.

Gabby O'Hara

Vice President


Myles Erickson

I'm in the third year of Political Studies and I'm running for Senator in this year's ASBC election. I will be serving next year as Vice President External for the Undergraduate Political Studies Students Association, and currently volunteer for UMFM. I’m looking forward to revising the VW and GPA policies, and using my experience to ensure more effective and fun ASBC activities and socials.

Myles Erickson


Tiana Kriegl

I am a 2nd year Political Studies student running to be a Senator in the upcoming ASBC elections. Listening to and acting on the needs of students is imperative to me and I am excited to propose motions that will support you and all your endeavours and the University of Manitoba! As Senator, I’ll be working towards involving Arts students in next year’s TED X conference.

Tiana Kiegl


Braiden Pergis

I’m a second year English student running for Senator in the upcoming ASBC election. Currently, I’m serving as the Director of Internal Relations for the University of Manitoba Criminology Association for Students (UMCAS), an Arts Ambassador and a member of the Arts Academic Regulations and Appeals Committee. I look forward to advocating for your needs, hearing concerns from students and making your journey better in the Arts!

Braiden Pergis


UMSU Representatives

Colin Robinson

I am a 2nd-year Political Studies student running to be ASBC’s UMSU Representative. I have been on multiple councils such as the University of Manitoba Political Studies Students’ Association as the Social Programmer, as well as being the First Year Representative for the Political Studies Department Council. I look forward to hearing about your questions and concerns and hope I am given the opportunity to represent them as your ASBC UMSU Representative. I’m committed to transparency, and working towards an accountable ASBC.

Colin Robinson
Frank Nahurski

I am a 4th year Classics student from Saint Paul, MN. I have served for multiple years as a Resident Advisor, and I’ll be serving Residence again next year as a Council member. I am running to be ASBC’s UMSU Representative and would be humbled at the opportunity to serve the Arts student body. My policy plans include participating in regular ASBC Town Halls and advocating for a fair GPA policy.

Frank Nahurski
Brandon Barratt

Hi everyone, my name is Brandon Barratt and I am running to be your next UMSU Representative with Active ASBC. I’ve gained a lot of experience on the UMSU Strategic Planning Committee, and learned a lot about hard work as a Bison Football player and an Economics Student. As your UMSU Rep, I’m going to push for responsible management of tuition, transparency on ASBC, and open doors so all students know what’s going on in UMSU Council.

Brandon Barratt
Sia Yamba

I’m a second year student want to major in Criminology. I’m a former U1 UMSU Rep, and a formal ambassador for U1 students on UMSU, as well as a volunteer in various UMSU programs to help support students. I am running for UMSU Rep to continue to ensure that student from various Departments benefit from our community, to ensure that students know what resources are available for them to use on campus, and to make arts a better place for everyone. I can’t wait to move forward with you all next year, and support student conferences with proper funding and subsidies.

Sia Yamba


Moaaz Qazi

. I was a Resident Advisor for 2 years on campus where I helped manage and create various programs in different academic and social aspects. I feel that my past experience would help make the Arts Lounge a much more fun and active environment and I would really love the opportunity to serve all you wonderful people on the ASBC council and make your student experience even better! Renovating the Arts Lounge is going to be my main priority in the upcoming year.

Moaaz Qazi

The Arts Lounge Director

James Atkinson

I’m a passionate Political Studies student with a love of History. While I may be in my first year, I have the enthusiasm and drive to help you achieve your goals and make connections within the community. I look forward to working with you, my fellow Arts students, in all of your academic pursuits! One of the big things I’m planning is making scholarships more accessible, as well as linking up students for peer tutoring within their Departments.

James Atkinson

Director of Academic Programing

Jelynn Dela Cruz

I’m a first-year, direct entry student majoring in Criminology and Psychology. Outside of campus, I am currently serving in multiple non-profits; such as Peace of Mind 204, the Prime Minister’s Youth Council and United Way of Winnipeg.I am inspired and driven to bring my expertise in communications to the council. As Director of Social Programming, I can’t wait for more regular, well funded, and accessible socials.

Jelynn Dela Cruz

Director of Social Programming

Community Reps

Mardi McNicholl

Hi there! My name is Mardi McNicholl and I am a first year Criminology student running for the position of Womyn’s Rep in this year’s ASBC election. Getting to know the Arts students at the University of Manitoba and learning the concerns of the students is something I am looking forward to. I am keen on helping and making a difference in our arts community. I am looking forward to the opportunity to be your Womyn’s representative, and making healthy sexuality products and Menstrual hygiene material more accessible.

Mardi McNicholl

Womyn's Representative

Linh Nguyen

Hi everyone! My name is Linh Nguyen and I am a third year student in Psychology in Faculty of Arts. I'm running for Accessibility Representative for the upcoming election. I have volunteered for HealthyU for three years where I facilitate various outreach on a variety of health and wellness topic. I am also a part of Undergraduate Psychology Students’ Association. I am looking forward to apply my experience to advocate for your needs, especially mental health supports.

Linh Nguyen

Accessibility Representative

Eddie Jennings

Hello. My name is Eddie Jennings and I am a first year student in Political Studies and Philosophy. I am running for LGBTTQ+ Representative. Listening to the needs of my community is important to me, and so is making resources available to every person who needs them. I look forward to representing the needs of the Arts community, especially students who need accessible and affordable Menstrual products, and better maintained gender neutral facilities.

Eddie Jennings

LGBTTQ* Representative

Philip Nwadialor

Hi everyone! My name is Philip Nwadialor, and I’m running with Active ASBC to be your International Students Representative. I have a lot of experience as a UMSU U1 Students’ Representative, and have a lot to bring to the table as International Student Rep. I pledge to push for better International Student Healthcare, and to host lots of Canadian Citizenship and Immigration informational events, to smooth out difficulties for international students in Arts and across Campus.

Philip Nwadialor

International Students' Representative

Alexander Nevakshonoff

Hi! My name is Alexander Nevakshonoff, and I am a third year History student running to be the Indigenous Representative for ASBC. I have been a member of the Metis Federation for five years, and grew up next to an Indigenous community, so I feel that I would be a good representative for the University of Manitoba’s Indigenous community on Arts council. I’m aiming to establish an ASBC Indigenous Scholarship, and to make scholarships more accessible.

Alexander Nevakshonoff

Indigenous Students' Representative

Contact Us

Increased Funding

Active ASBC will prioritize academic funding

  • More student groups and associations - Arts student groups will be guaranteed $200.00 and their conferences will be generously subsidized by Active ASBC.
  • Increasing the visibility and accessibility of Arts Scholarships and Bursaries.
  • Renovating and updating electronics, appliances, and a new layout for the Arts Lounge.
  • Pushing for tuition to go to better learning technology, smaller class sizes, and increased mental health resources, and fighting for health and dental coverage for International Students.

Peer Tutoring

Peer tutoring will allow younger students to meet and work with senior students in their departments, helping them along their new path.

  • Peer Tutoring within Arts departments will be incentivized.
  • Synergizing and subsidizing pre-existing peer tutoring programs within Departments that already have them, and establishing programs in Departments that don’t.
  • Coordinating with support services for regular citation and information-usage workshops

Increased Social Support

Active ASBC will support diversity in ideas and communities

  • Support monthly, sustainable events in Arts lounge celebrating cultural and social awareness, bringing diversity to the forefront of Arts.
  • Regularly hosting informational sessions by Citizenship and Immigration Canada and the Provincial Nominee Program.
  • Pushing for an Arts-relevant speaker at TEDX Conference with UMSU this year, and creating more events for Arts students throughout the year by relocating funds normally put towards major socials.

Active ASBC Policy Guide

Academic Experience


Active ASBC will prioritize the academic experience through increased funding to students and their associations, as well as by putting students into contact with peer tutors throughout the year. Active ASBC will increase the visibility and accessibility of Arts Scholarships and Bursaries, so students can claim more aid when they need it. Student aid will be further bolstered by increased scholarships for Indigenous students, and ASBC will work alongside Migizii Agamik to connect aboriginal students with larger campus body.

Groups within the Faculty of Arts will be encouraged to to run more programming: once granted official status, they will be guaranteed $200.00 and their conferences will be generously subsidized by Active ASBC.


Peer tutoring will allow younger students to meet and work with senior students in their departments, helping them along their new path. Peer Tutoring within Arts departments will be incentivized, and tutors will be regularly accessible within the Arts Lounge. This will be accomplished through synergizing and subsidizing pre-existing peer tutoring programs within Departments that already have them, and establishing programs in Departments that don’t. Finally, Active ASBC will coordinate with various student support services to establish and market regular citation and information-usage workshops.

Arts Spaces and Socials

Board of Directors

Active ASBC is committed to making the Faculty of Arts a community where students want to be, not one they have to be in. This will be accomplished by establishing a Board of Directors committee, with student representatives from all Arts departments meeting every second week with the ASBC to bring ideas to life and voice their concerns.

Social Support

Ideas that Active ASBC have already developed include subsidizing Department Student Council travel for necessary conferences. This will allow Arts students to meet with their counterparts in communities across the country, and bring new ideas to the University of Manitoba. Active ASBC understands the importance of diversity in making welcoming spaces. As such, it plans to support monthly events in Arts lounge celebrating cultural and social awareness. Arts events will be hosted per a sustainability policy, and more organic and vegan food options will be provided. Lastly, Active ASBC will regularly host informational day sessions with speakers from Citizenship and Immigration Canada and the Provincial Nominee Program.

Active ASBC will welcome Arts students by pushing for an Arts-relevant speaker at TEDX Conference with UMSU this year, and by creating more events for Arts students throughout the year by relocating funds normally put towards major socials. New events will include welcome week events like beer gardens and socials held in the Multipurpose Room in University Centre. Beyond scheduling, spaces are key to making Arts a Faculty that students can be proud of. This will be maintained through Random Act of Kindness such as free coffee and snacks, and regularly scheduled Exam Crams.

Better Spaces

Active ASBC will finance updated electronics, appliances, and a new layout for the Arts Lounge, bringing new energy to the space. It will prioritize and renovate frontline services like the Locker Rooms in Tier, and will advocate for more Gender-neutral washrooms within Faculty of Arts buildings, making more welcoming and accessible environments. This also means that Active ASBC will work with the Womyn’s Representative in Arts to improve UMSU Safe Spaces, implement free feminine hygiene products in Womyn’s washrooms and Arts Lounge, provide group therapy services, and advocate for a strong Anti- Bullying policy.

Student Rights


Active ASBC is aware of the limitations for students posed by the U of M’s current VW and GPA policies and will work alongside other Student Associations and UMSU for revision of these policies. Currently the GPA policy restricts student options when they are failing courses or need to voluntarily withdraw. This is further aggravated when they need to repeat a course and their marks get averaged. Active ASBC proposes that when repetition is needed, the Faculty will take the highest score achieved.

Student Fees

Tuition increases are another threat Arts students face. Tuition is set to increase by 5% plus inflation in the upcoming academic year. Active ASBC will fight for this funding to better the education of Arts students, pushing for its direction into learning technology, smaller class sizes, and increased mental health resource. Active ASBC will also stand alongside other Faculty and Department councils in the upcoming fight for health and dental coverage for International Students.

Career Opportunities

Finding employment over the summer is something all students worry about. Active ASBC will work with Career Services and external agencies to find summer employment opportunities and make Arts students aware of them. Additionally, many students have trouble finding work after graduation. Active ASBC will build a network of professionals in Arts fields to design benchmarks and learning goals for co-op programs. Active ASBC understands the challenges associated with an Arts co-op program, but are committed to laying long-term foundations.


Through all of this, students will want to know what is going on and where their money is going. Active ASBC will keep things clear, constantly, by holding open town halls and E-town Halls in the Arts lounge one week before UMSU Council Meetings. E-town halls will be conducted through online surveys sent through Arts’ students emails. Active ASBC will use an Open Window Model, so Executives will be in the office from Monday to Friday, from 08:20AM-4:30 PM. Active ASBC UMSU Representatives will notify every Arts student about upcoming motions in Council will stand with the majority of Arts students, not the majority of Council.